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Kundalini Activation 1:1 in Person

Awaken the Goddess Within

  • 1 hour 30 minutes
  • 150 Australian dollars
  • Booley Road

Service Description

Kundalini Activation  is a channelled energy transmission that activates the Shakti in the body.(Divine Feminine, Great Mother Energy). Ancient yogic texts describe her as a serpent – coiled at the base of the spine waiting to be released, and symbolically, the energy moves like a snake through the body.  Kundalini Activation is a SURRENDER practice.  You need only to BE. Honour the feelings of the body and allow her to reach you in the most healing ways. As the energy starts to move, the awakening begins.  Sensations such as physical and emotional releases in the body often occur.  You may  go through deep healing and have strong experiences during the activation. Although, the most profound thing is the shifts it brings to your consciousness and into your waking life. Here are some of the changes you often occur but are not limited to: Deep insights Strengthened intuition Shifts in perception of reality Clarity,  Feel more deeply Deeper states of consciousness/ connection to self Life purpose Open heart /bliss states Non-dual states or oneness Desire to make better health and life choices. Kundalini energy is an energy which builds with in us and people often want more! If this is something you feel is going to be adding to your growth and self care then packages are available below. (saving of $50) I can also talk about how to maintain and keep you own channel flowing so you are able to access the Kundalini Glow on a daily basis. We are honouring you! So I will make the space beautiful with crystals, flowers, incense and candles in a comfortable setting. If you like to bring anything to celebrate you self, this is most welcome! * Please message me prior to booking if you would like to have your kundalini activation held in nature. For example near a river or at the beach. These times are best early morning or evening to avoid passers by and can be arranged :) How to Prepare: Eat lightly 3 hours prior to session. Come with the intention of fully surrendering to the experience without expectation. ​ ​

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations are required within 24hrs

Contact Details

  • 330 Booley Road, Gheringhap VIC, Australia

    + 0425711641

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